Withdrawal and Refunds
If you decide to withdraw funds from DegenHouse back to your wallet, the process is straightforward.
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If you decide to withdraw funds from DegenHouse back to your wallet, the process is straightforward.
Last updated
Refunding your balance at DegenHouse is streamlined for convenience.
Steps to Withdraw Funds:
Navigate to the Deposits Page:
To initiate a refund, navigate to the wallet icon in the top menu, go to the "Deposits" section on DegenHouse. You can find it at DegenHouse Deposits. (Note: You must be logged in to your account; your wallet must be connected to preview your balance). This section provides an overview of your available balance, the amount currently held in bets, your total balance, and the refundable balance.
Initiate the Withdrawal:
Look for the option labeled "Withdraw Funds" and click on it.
Specify Withdrawal Amount:
Enter the amount of funds you wish to withdraw from your DegenHouse account.
Important Considerations:
Restrictions on Withdrawals:
Keep in mind that you cannot withdraw funds that are currently engaged in ongoing bets or lotteries. These funds are locked in until the bet or lottery is settled.
Release of Funds:
If you have funds tied up in bets or lotteries, they will only be released after the event has been settled. If you win, the winnings will be added to your available balance for withdrawal.
By following these steps, you can easily and securely withdraw your funds from DegenHouse back to your personal wallet. Remember to check your ongoing bets and lotteries before initiating a withdrawal to understand your available balance.